Japanese / Sushi Restaurants nearby 187 Bryanston Dr, Johannesburg, South Africa

Dong Sheng

Approximately 0.6 km away
Address: Sloane Square, Corner William Nicole & Sloane Street, Bryanston, Sandton

Dong Sheng

Approximately 0.6 km away
Address: Sloane Square, Corner William Nicole & Sloane Street, Bryanston, Sandton

Eastern Corner

Approximately 0.69 km away
Address: 8 Posthouse Link, Corner Main Road, Bryanston, Sandton

Eastern Corner

Approximately 0.69 km away
Address: 8 Posthouse Link, Corner Main Road, Bryanston, Sandton


Approximately 0.73 km away
Address: Post House Building, Corner Main & Posthouse Street, Bryanston, Sandton


Approximately 0.73 km away
Address: Post House Building, Corner Main & Posthouse Street, Bryanston, Sandton

Rejoice Sushi Bar

Approximately 1.65 km away
Address: Bryanpark Shopping Centre, Corner Grosvenor Road and Cumberland Avenue, Bryanston, Sandton

Rejoice Sushi Bar

Approximately 1.65 km away
Address: Bryanpark Shopping Centre, Corner Grosvenor Road and Cumberland Avenue, Bryanston, Sandton