Accommodations nearby 6 Park Dr, Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001, South Africa

17 5th Avenue Guest House

Approximately 1.85 km away
Address: 17 5th Avenue, , Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

17 5th Avenue Guest House

Approximately 1.85 km away
Address: 17 5th Avenue, , Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

17 5th Avenue Guest House

Approximately 1.85 km away
Address: 17 5th Avenue, , Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Road Lodge Port Elizabeth Airport

Approximately 1.87 km away
Address: 2016 Boeing Road, Cnr. of De Havilland and Airport West Road; at Port Elizabeth Airport, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6001, South Africa

Buckingham Place Guest House

Approximately 1.89 km away
Address: 42 Buckingham Rd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Ingleton Lodge B'nB

Approximately 1.95 km away
Address: 137 Cape Rd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

50 College Drive B & B

Approximately 1.97 km away
Address: 50 College Dr, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

50 College Drive Bed and Breakfast

Approximately 1.97 km away
Address: 50 College Drive, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

50 College Drive Bed and Breakfast

Approximately 1.97 km away
Address: 50 College Drive, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Lemon Tree Lane Guest House

Approximately 1.99 km away
Address: 14 Mill Park Road, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Lemon Tree Lane Guest House

Approximately 1.99 km away
Address: 14 Mill Park Road, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa